Designed as a heavy duty troop and vehicle carrier, the A700 class freighter played a key role in the war for mining rights in the Frenta systems. Since the war ended the ships have been commissioned by the Tank - Rainer Holdings mining corporation, ferrying employees and vehicles used in their many off world mines.
Fitted with 4 Celayan Betrani A700 series engines for maximum lift and manoeuvrability - each housed in the raised corner units, allowing the entire central area to be used as a storage / hold area. These engines can be rotated over 90 degrees to allow for vertical take off despite the ships weight. The thick armoured hull makes this a popular ship in less savoury areas of the galaxies.
This is a design I started on back in 2018 (see earlier images), but I rebuilt over Christmas in Zbrush. As always, those final details always delay posting as I'm so busy with proper work.